Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Potty Success!

Jacob went Poopoo on the potty! It was small (sorry tmi), but it's a start.

There I was, lying on the couch trying to get some rest, when all of a sudden I smell this peepee smell. Then I hear Jacob say, "Mommy, I took off my diaper." Yep, he had taken off his diaper and then put it right in my face. What a way to treat your mother! LOL So I decided if he's going to take off his diaper, I was going to make him go to the potty. He resisted, and I literally dragged him there (which I know you're not supposed to do), and told him he could flush the toilet if he went. Once he got ON the potty, he was fine. Then he started pushing (yes, he knows what the potty is for). "It not working, Mommy. Poopoo stuck." Then I encouraged him to keep trying. I heard some toots, then he said, "It not working" again. Joshua came in and decided he wanted in on it too. So there they were, both on the potty. Jacob decided "it not working" and stood up. Low and behold, there was poopoo in the potty! I cheered, "You went poopoo in the potty!" He looked down so surprised, then had the biggest smile on his face. So he got to flush the toilet and wash his hands, a big reward for him. Hopefully, we'll soon be out of diapers for good!
Here they are at previous "unsuccessful" attempts.


Kim said...

Way to go Jacob!!!! Mommy you must be so proud!!!
Kim T tq 2003

Wendi said...

Go Jacob Go!!!!! WooHoo!!!