Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Today was school day for everyone (Mon. and Wed.). I was a bit rushed, as usual, getting everyone ready. Figuring they are almost four (wow already!), I thought they should start getting themselves dressed, so I gave the boys their clothes and told them to put them on while I got Malena dressed. Before I knew it it was time to leave, so we all ran out the door. Then it was Jacob dropped off at 8, run to drop Josh off by 8:15, and Malena off by 8:25 (this never happens, and Malena is ALWAYS late because they all go to different schools) Anyway, then it was time to pick them up (already?). First Josh at 10:55, then Malena at 11:45, then Jake at 12ish. We all got home and I started making lunch. As I was making lunch, I noticed Jacob running around. He looked funny, but it took me a second to figure out why. Then I realized. His pants were on backwards! OMG! I didn't even notice, but I can bet the teachers did at his school! How am I going to show my face next week. I can't even take my kids to school with their clothes on right? Uggghhhhh.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Okay, here's the long awaited (well I've been waiting, anyway) video of the kids dance recital back in June. Watch how Malena steals the show! Jake's on the far left and Josh is next to Malena, who's having a blast. I was also surprised that Jake did so well. For months he was saying he didn't want to go in front of people, but as you can see, he really enjoyed it! I think Josh LOVED being on stage and getting all that attention. :) Oh, and I'm sure Alex would like everyone to know that he did NOT do this video, as I'm sure his video would have been done MUCH better. :) And I didn't do the pics either (they're really dark and off color)

BTW, I think she's saying "help" when she drops her headpiece.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Heads up. I'm starting to catch up. I've got a lot to make up for as August and September have been very busy (hence the delay in the posts) Scroll down or click here for the new post from August.

Before he broke them again (actually he did, but didn't lose them) I decided to snap a few quick shots of Jacob in his new glasses. Joshua's new PURPLE glasses will be in shortly. This whole color coded kids thing might be biting me in the butt. :)

My two boys in glasses. sniff. And Malena soon to follow. (pardon Joshua, STILL potty training and wet all his clothes. Yes, even his shirt. Oh, and also pardon my messy studio. In between photo shoots).

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I've added a new post below. HOORY FOR HOLLYWOOD I'm playing catchup now, so keep checking, because I plan to fill in more of August and September. :)

Hooray for Aunt Julie (a.k.a. Titi Julie)! She came over my house from a long day at work and tore my house apart (then put it back together again) and actually found Jacob's glasses! Wooohooo! Thank you, thank you , thank you Juju! First she found the glasses in the couch, (like I didn't look already) but one lens was missing. We couldn't find it, and I was fine with that, I was so happy to have everything else, but she wouldn't give up, and found the missing lens at the opposite end of the couch, under the couch. Okay, I want to know what happened now! Joshua's were in the trash, and Jacob's were in two ends of the couch. What were they up to!? And of course a big Thank You to Daddy who found Joshua's glasses in the GARBAGE!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wow, it's been a LONG time since I've updated. I plan on catching up soon, but I wanted to add this. Unfortunately, we recently discovered that not only Joshua needs glasses, but so do Jacob and Malena. Malena would not sit still long enough to measure her eye, so we will be getting her glasses in the next few months. We received Jacobs last week. At first, he LOVED them. When I say at first, I mean for the first five minutes. After that, he constantly took them off, which made Josh want to take his off. A day after Jacob got his glasses, I went upstairs for something. When I came back down, neither of the boys had their glasses on. I asked them what happened, and at first they said, "they're on the tv". Nope. We searched and searched. Nowhere to be found. Finally, after 3 days of searching, Alex decides to go look in the garbage (which is by now thrown out in the dumpsters). No way they're in there. Well, 15 minutes later, he comes in with Joshua's glasses! Now Joshua is getting new glasses (discovered before these were lost) due to new prescription. So Jacob's glasses are still missing. Alex decides to give it another try, and goes piece by piece through three trash bins that have been out in 90 degree weather. Poor guy. What he won't do for his kids. :) No luck. So now, I have to go buy Jacob ANOTHER pair of glasses to replace these BRAND NEW glasses that I didn't even have a chance to take a picture of him in! AAAAgggghhhhhh! I just can't wait until Malena gets hers too, and I have to make three kids keep their glasses on! Oh, btw, Malena is the one who has a habit of throwing things in the trash. Especially if she's trying to take something from the boys (and remember the boys have some and she doesn't) We have no proof, but she is the current suspect!