We've hit 10,000!
Well, I'm back! Yipeee. And I see my counter has hit 10,000. What a great welcome back. My surgery went well, though the recovery did not. I don't react well to anesthesia. After sleeping on the couch and not driving for two months, I finally got the okay to "ween" off my walking boot last Friday. Well, I have to admit, I took it off that day and haven't really put it back on. A Mom's gotta do what a Mom's gotta do. I did learn my lesson when my foot got VERY sore during the very busy weekend, so I try to "rest" it as much as possible. I will post a pic of my new bionic foot soon. :)
The kids have to be whipped back into shape after learning very quickly that Mommy couldn't get up and chase them down when they needed to be disciplined. Well Mommy's on her feet now! LOL